We rejoice and are in awe before our God at this news, and say Thank You, our mighty and loving Jehovah Rapha, our God who heals!
While the CT scans also showed that the bone damage from before is still there, Prof Yip said that this is only to be expected as bones take a long time to heal. There is no way to know if there are still cancerous cells in the bone without a bone biopsy, but the fact that there is no increased damaged is already a good sign.
Apart from the results of the CT scan, Fiona is also showing visible improvements in many ways. Her bone pains and leg cramps seldom happen, although she does get back aches when tired. The Chemotherapy tires her, and she typically feels exhaustion for a few days after each cycle, but there are no other side effects. For all these mercies, we thank our loving and gracious heavenly Father.
For all of you who have journeyed this far with us, thank you, thank you too. We know that our God has been moving in response to your heartfelt prayers, some of which are coming from around the world. We have been recently reminded that many are praying, and we are so touched and encouraged. We ask you to please continue, and pray too that our God will bless you even as you rely on Him for Fiona`s healing.