Since our last update, Fiona underwent a few sessions of radiotherapy, not to directly address any presence of disease, but to prematurely induce a menopausal state. This is simply to eliminate a growth factor of the disease, which is more active in the presence of estrogens. We are thankful that Fiona went through the sessions easily and with little discomfort but we do ask for your prayers that she be spared the uncomfortable symptoms that come with the onset of menopause.
Fiona has also been for one checkup with Prof Liam, a respected Chest Specialist at UMMC. Based on a physical examination and a reading of the last CT scan, he echoed what other doctors have said recently, which is that Fiona is doing very well. As if to underscore this finding, he asked Fiona to return to see him again, but only in 4 months` time.
Moving ahead, at her next checkup at the UMMC chemo clinic, we expect that the doctors will recommend that she begin taking aromatase inhibitors, which will further surpress any production of estrogens in her body (for the same reasons as the recent radiotherapy sessions). Normal logic would dictate that she will experience even more severe symptoms than the average woman going through menopause, but we pray again that she will be spared these.
At the end of the day, we remain thankful for God`s amazing work of healing, and pray for His continued blessings for Fiona. All glory to Him!