Wednesday, November 1, 2006

New Mercies

"Morning by morning, New mercies I see;
All I have needed, Your hands have provided;
Great is Your faithfulness, Father to me."

For those who have been looking out for news of Chemo #2, and especially for those who have been praying hard for Fiona, please know that it went very well.

Fiona started the day, even with the Chemo ahead of her, in very good spirits. The back and leg pains which had been plaguing her constantly had mostly vanished overnight for no naturally explicable reason.

The pre-requisite consultation with the Oncologist revealed that Fiona`s blood test results were very good. Blood counts, kidney and liver function, etc, all within norms and maybe better than the average person. Amazing.

Moving on to the chemo, the drug was administered again with no problems. Fiona`s veins held up fine and there was little discomfort. After the Taxotere had gone in, the nurses followed up with the bone-strengthening drug called Zometa (required every 4 weeks).

Even more amazing: After a long day in the hospital, 3 hours of that in a chair with a needle in her vein, Fiona said "I feel great, almost euphoric".

We have no way to explain this, except to give thanks to Him who is so very faithful and so amazing. Thank you, thank you for your prayers. They are causing miracles to take place.
Sleep last night wasn`t so great as she felt quite warm, no doubt because of the two doses of potent drugs running through her, but she was not troubled by pain or breathing problems.
However, she awoke this morning to proclaim again that she felt very good and wanted to go shopping. We are, of course, restraining her to ward off the risk of infection, but you can imagine how good she must be feeling.

And so, the hymn "Great is Your Faithfulness" comes to mind again and again. Quite literally, morning by morning, new mercies we see. His faithfulness is truly amazing! All praise, glory, and honour unto Him!

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