Later today, she will undergo another procedure to insert a "pig-tail catheter", ultrasound guided, into her right lung to drain more fluid. We're hoping that this helps the breathlessness sufficiently to allow her to go off the oxygen. A CTPA scan (CT Pulmonary Artery) is also planned tomorrow to rule out the possibility of a pulmonary embolism (blood clot).
When she strengthens, we will restart chemotherapy, probably on Gemcitabine+Cisplatin. The disease is progressing, and the doctors suggest that we need to address that as soon as Fiona is strong enough.
Either way, Fiona will have to remain in the hospital until at least the end of the week.
For those who have called to find out her progress and/or have visited, thanks for your concern and prayers, they are much appreciated. Many thanks too to those who have already provided help in so many ways, from taking care of the kids to sitting with Fiona while Jeff dashes home for a bit.
We also great appreciate Jeff's colleagues and clients who are so understanding when he needs to take time off to be with Fiona. The flexibility they have exhibited is unprecedented and a real blessing.
If you plan to visit, Fiona is at UH, Menara Timur, Ward 7TE, bed 6. Do call Jeff first to check on Fiona's condition. There may be days when she requires recovery time from one procedure or another, or just tired. Visits should not exceed 9pm, as she does need her rest badly. (And if you are not well, it would be better if you didn't come as she can't really handle any further problems at this time!)
In terms of help, we are so blessed to be getting lots of it. Our family members and church friends have covered Fiona's needs completely for food and company. They have our unending thanks.
If you do call or SMS and do not get a response, please forgive us. As you can imagine, we have been fairly inundated with these and may miss out responding to some. Check this blog and please tell others about it. We will keep it updated every couple of days or so. It would be a lot stressful than having to individually respond to every message and missed call.
Above all, thanks for your prayers, and don't stop praying.
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